Staying Ahead of the Market: A United Approach

Hannah Matlock NeSmith


United | Leading Edge Real Estate Group

Huntsville, Alabama 

Region served: Alabama

Years in real estate: 11

Number of offices: 8

Number of agents: 325

Key to continued growth and success: I have always lived with the motto that we should surround ourselves with people who know more than we do, and I am continuing that principle by connecting myself with my recent merger. My next attribute would be consistency; keep doing what works.

Favorite part of working in real estate: The people. There is nothing more fulfilling for me as an agent, broker and mentor to help others achieve their goals, whether it’s helping someone be the agent they dream of, or helping first-time buyers find that dream home.

What was it about joining United | Leading Edge Real Estate Group that you felt would benefit your brokerage and your 30 agents?

For so long, our industry has been all about competing against one another. But with all the changes and things that are happening, we really need to come together professionally, so that was one thing joining United solved. It provided more solutions for me and my agents and many more tools. I’m not sure many people understand the pressure of owning your own brokerage and managing agents by yourself while also being a REALTOR®. Joining United | Leading Edge Real Estate Group has taken a lot of pressure off me having to do all of those jobs. I’m now focusing on one or two aspects of my job versus five or six.

What problems were solved by joining United | Leading Edge as a small brokerage?

The biggest thing it solved was our tools problem. Small brokerages can’t afford the tools agents need so badly right now to get them to their next step of growth. That was something I was either going to have to do on my own, or I was going to have to partner with someone who had the resources and abilities to do so.

How has the transition been for you and your agents moving from a boutique brokerage to a market-leading regional brokerage of a national real estate company?

It comes with challenges, but we’re adjusting to our new systems, and we’re doing very well. The biggest thing we had to overcome was leadership changing. As soon as our team heard of the benefits and that they are keeping their broker, we were game on!  

What benefits does being a member of United’s national network bring to you and your agents

United was special. They didn’t know this at the time, but their backend system is very similar to how I like to run my company. I like to have my forms and files in order. When I met with other companies, they wanted me to come in and build the business, but I had already done that. I was ready for something else. Another company I looked at had a lot of promises, but when I pulled up their numbers and saw their agent counts and the production they were doing, it made me question why their numbers weren’t better if they were doing all these great things. In the end, I decided to go with what I was seeing from United versus what those other companies were saying. And everything that Leading Edge and United has said has been done.

Tell us about your new role at United | Leading Edge. How are you providing a competitive advantage for your agents locally?

I’ve enjoyed the practice of real estate for a long time, and now I’m getting to see a whole different side of it because I’m not the only person in my company leading. I think that has been the biggest asset, and a lot of conversations that I’ve had with (Co-Founders) Danny and Charlene Sullivan have been encouraging. The message has always been that I’m doing fine and to keep doing what I’m doing, and that has been reassuring. It’s given me the confidence to stop questioning myself. That’s been huge for my team to see that extra level of confidence—making room for even more growth. 

What advice would you give smaller brokerages and teams for succeeding in today’s challenging real estate climate?

For any independent brokerage, but especially a smaller brokerage, I would say it’s going to require strong, intelligent agents and, more importantly, a strong, intelligent broker to ensure there’s someone at the helm who will lead with love but protect with wisdom. 

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