Gitcha Announces Southern California Fire Initiative to Assist Displaced Residents

Gitcha, a real estate marketplace designed to connect home buyers and renters with property owners and landlords, has announced its expansion into the Southern California market.

“These wildfires have left thousands in Southern California searching for homes,” said Dan Cooper, CEO of Gitcha. “While we can’t create more housing, we can help those affected share their needs and connect with their community for support.”

The impact of wildfires on Southern California communities has been devastating, and Gitcha says one way to help is by giving people a different way to locate the right temporary and permanent housing options–by broadcasting their needs openly.

Explaining further the company said it is opening in a market that was not planned to be opened this year, and has added a special feature for users to designate in their want-listing if they have been displaced by the fires. The company stated that as part of their support, Gitcha will also be waiving all fees on the platform for users in Southern California indefinitely.

Gitcha invites Southern California residents, landlords, and property owners to join its mission of making housing more accessible for everyone. Whether you’re a renter in need or a property owner ready to help, Gitcha says its platform exists to foster meaningful housing connections to help Southern Californians find a home.

For more information, including exact areas, visit

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