I Tried the New Skin Tint That's Been Dominating My FYP—I 20/10 Recommend

Okay, I’ll admit it. I’ve never liked skin tints. There, I said it! Some formulas are too sheer for my liking (I know they’re supposed to provide light coverage, but in my opinion, some don’t provide any coverage at all). Others are too oily, so they separate on my skin or settle into fine lines and enlarged pores. Then there are the ones that are so short-lived that I feel like I have to reapply them multiple times throughout the day. So, yeah, I kind of swore them off, opting for natural-looking foundations and lightweight concealers instead.

Recently, though, I’ve seen a new skin tint all over my FYP on Instagram and TikTok. Normally, I’d keep scrolling, but these posts were created by trusty content creators and fellow beauty editors who raved about it. It was enough to pique my interest, so I decided to set aside my negative opinion on skin tints and give it a shot. Spoiler alert: I’m so happy I did. It delivers the perfect “no-makeup makeup” coverage with a natural-looking finish. Yep, it’s true; I’m a reformed skin tint-hater. Keep scrolling to see the exact skin tint and my before and after pictures.

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(Image credit: @kaitlyn_mclintock)

It takes me two minutes to apply. I literally use my fingers to blend it in. That’s how easy it is. And after testing it for over a week, I can confidently say that it’s not too oily or shiny and never highlights my skin texture or settles into fine lines and enlarged pores. Yeah…I think I found the unicorn of skin tints.


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(Image credit: @kaitlyn_mclintock)

My main skin concerns are 1) redness and 2) dark spots and discoloration.


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(Image credit: @kaitlyn_mclintock)

While it didn’t completely cover my redness or discoloration, that’s okay, because skin tints aren’t supposed to do that. They’re supposed to provide light, skin-perfecting coverage with a natural-looking finish, and this one did just that. It’s a my-skin-but-better result without any of the annoying aspects of other skin tints.

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