Meet the Western Region 2024 Rookie of the Year Finalists

Above, from left, Courtney Bullock, Victor Gutierrez, Shirley Kimmel, Kaitlin VanRoosendaal and Yankun Zhen. 

RISMedia recently announced the Top 25 regional Rookie of the Year finalists for 2024. The third annual Rookie of the Year program, sponsored by Colibri Real Estate, is designed to honor real estate agents who are new to the business, yet already achieving extraordinary results. Here, we spotlight the five regional finalists from the West.

Nominees for the Real Estate Rookie of the Year were considered based on their 2023 sales volume and transaction data, investment in professional education, technology prowess and community involvement. Five regional winners will be chosen from among the Top 25, and announced during RISMedia’s 36th Annual CEO & Leadership Exchange this September 4-6 in Washington, D.C. The national winner will be announced during RISMedia’s Power Broker Reception & Dinner on Friday, November 8 in Boston, Massachusetts. 

Though the Rookie of the Year finalists come from all different markets across the country, their commonalities are what have driven them to such success, from continuing education, dedication to helping others and a strong focus on the goals they set for themselves, their clients and their businesses. 

“Beginning your career as an agent during one of the most difficult real estate markets in history, not to mention amid the fallout from the commission lawsuits, took a tremendous degree of commitment and resiliency,” says RISMedia Founder & CEO John Featherston. “During these times when the integrity of residential real estate is under attack, it is more important than ever that we honor new-to-the-business agents for not only their production success but for the passion and professionalism with which they approach their business. RISMedia’s Real Estate Rookie of the Year annual award program helps elevate our industry’s reputation, for the benefit of those who work within it as well as for the consumers they serve.”

“We are delighted to again partner with RISMedia to recognize new agents who have demonstrated they are thriving in their careers and, as such, making a difference in their communities and in their profession,” says Jennifer Dixson Hoff, Colibri’s GM, Professional Portfolio and Partnerships. “What we know from our rookies is that now is a great time to start a career in real estate. These new agents are the next generation within the real estate profession because they know how to successfully navigate the market and win. We couldn’t be prouder to highlight their accomplishments and results.”

Chosen from hundreds of nominations, the 2024 Top 25 Real Estate Rookie of the Year West finalists are listed below in alphabetical order according to region, along with their thoughts on early success in real estate. Stay tuned to learn more about them in the coming weeks.

Meet the Top 5 Finalists From the West

Courtney Bullock
RE/MAX Cornerstone
Courtney Bullock appreciates a good challenge, and has found her place in the real estate industry a rewarding one. Throughout her first year in the business, she believes that it was the support and encouragement of her friends and family through choosing her for their own transactions, plus referrals, that have helped her find success. 

“Their dedication to seeing me succeed has been paramount to my success,” says Bullock. 

She thrives in the role of an agent, especially when it comes to organization, professionalism and friendliness. As a rookie, she is ahead of the game, understanding and appreciating all of the opportunities that come her way. “I love the challenge that real estate presents day in and day out.”

Victor Gutierrez
Victor Gutierrez dedicates his success in his rookie year of real estate to his clients who have entrusted him with their real estate transactions. He has proven himself as a dedicated and committed agent in all aspects of real estate.

That commitment has been injected into multiple areas of his business, including his social media. He has also dedicated time daily to reach out and build up his contact list, only proving his drive to building a successful real estate business. 

When it comes to why he chose the real estate industry, Gutierrez highlights his love for helping people and running his open business. “I love the flexibility to work for yourself,” he says, “and knowing there is no cap on commission or the number of people that I can help.”

Shirley Kimmel
John L. Scott Real Estate
Shirley Kimmel believes that her new career in real estate is a dream come true. Having experience working in the renovation and rental business, she had always thought about exploring the other side of the business: selling homes. She has enjoyed growing her business, and especially building lasting relationships in her rookie year. 

“Everyone has a story and if they are willing to share it with me, it is such a privilege. I think sometimes in our fast-paced, digital society, people enjoy a real conversation with someone who is genuinely interested in listening,” says Kimmel. “When my clients become good friends, I have gained so much more than any financial benefit.”

Kimmel understands the value of constantly learning, and how important it is for agents to be consistent. Her approach to her business, from attending training courses to putting what she learned into practice, quickly produced results and led her to success.

Kaitlin VanRoosendaal
Bray Real Estate
Kaitlin VanRoosendaal has leveraged her marketing expertise to find success in real estate and serve her clients effectively. She is motivated to strive for excellence and deliver the best possible service to her community. 

“What I love most about the real estate business is the opportunity to build deep, meaningful relationships with my clients,” says VanRoosendaal. “Getting to know them on a personal level allows me to better understand their needs and goals, and to tailor my services to help them achieve their dreams. The connections I make go beyond transactions.”

She attributes the success she has seen in her first year in the industry to several key elements, including connecting with her sphere of influence to foster and maintain meaningful relationships, the mentorship, guidance and support she has received from her brokerage, and comprehensive training necessary to excel—ultimately creating a solid foundation for her achievements. 

Yankun Zhen
eXp Realty of California 
Yankun Zhen admits that at that start of his career in real estate, the journey wasn’t always easy. However, his persistence has yielded great results and reflect his hard work and dedication to educating himself and serving his clients. 

“My approach has always been to focus on helping as many people as possible, regardless of the size of the transaction,” he says. “I invested countless hours in prospecting, networking with other agents and hosting open houses every weekend. Consistency has been key, and I believe my quick response time and determination to overcome any obstacle are my greatest strengths.”

With a drive for helping others, Zhen feels fulfilled guiding clients through such a significant purchase. Even with the tough transactions, his tenacity and exceptional service have turned his job into passion. 

RISMedia’s 2024 Rookie of the Year Regional Winners will be announced during RISMedia’s 36th Annual CEO & Leadership Exchange in Washington, D.C., September 4-6. There is still space available to attend this high-level educational and networking event, featuring more than 120 expert speakers taking part in 25-plus presentations and panel discussions. Visit to learn more and to register.

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