6 Pretty 2025 Trends That'll Dethrone Last Year's "Ugly" Ones

While whether or not something is considered “ugly” or “pretty” is certainly a bit subjective, the fashion industry has been known to assign that label to trends each season. Last year, there happened to be quite a few trends that earned the “ugly” label, but as the biggest trends of 2025 are emerging, on the flip side, there are quite a few that lean toward the pretty label. Disclaimer: The “ugly” ones are no less covetable than the pretty ones, but the ones I’m highlighting below feel a bit fresher than the ones they’re dethroning, and just because I say “dethrone”, that doesn’t mean they’re going away just yet—there’s just a lot of eye-pleasing newness to add to the mix.

Below, you’ll find everything from pretty color trends to accessories to dresses, all of which are going to be everywhere as our spring (and soon summer) wardrobes continue to shape up—trust me. So what else is there to do but add some pretty 2025 finds to our carts before they sell out? Scroll to join me in doing so.

Scarf Belts Dethrone Red Tights

Something I’ve spotted on the streets outside of the shows throughout fashion month is scarves belted at the waist (often over a jacket or coat). It’s fresh, pretty, and can be pretty inexpensive.

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Shop Scarves to Wear as Belts

The ultra-sporty sunglasses that have been so popular among celebrities and the fashion crowd in recent times are being overshadowed by metal frames, with oval shapes being the most popular.

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Powder Pink, Butter Yellow, and Baby Blue Dethrone Brown

While brown (especially chocolate brown) is still very much a thing, I’m starting to see softer colors steal the attention. Specifically, powder pink, butter yellow, and baby blue are the pastel shades everyone is shopping for right now.

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Shop Powder Pink, Butter Yellow, and Baby Blue

Brooches Dethrone Cord Necklaces